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It is called "Span of ControlL

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Q: The number of police personnel or the number of units supervised by a particular officer is called?
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What is the air force police officer?

They are called Security Forces personnel, but are commonly referred to as Security Police or SPs.

What is a billet and billet officer?

A billet is where a soldier is assigned to sleep, such as in barracks or garrisons. During World War 2, it originally meant a note issued by a billeting officer to a soldier, directing him to his living quarters.

What is the personnel commission at the federal level called?

U.S. Office of Personnel Management

What are the source and content of personnel policies?

Personnel policies are a set of defined rules in an organization of dealing with the human resource aspect of it. These rules are nothing but about the manpower planning, recruiting and selection of the new candidates, orientation, remunerations to be given to them and various safety measures to be provided to employees in working areas. The different areas where personnel policies are applied are called its sources and the different norms, rules and regulations used for the human resource in that particular area called the contents of personnel policies.

Raised money and supervised finances of the war?

Robert Morris was the one who raised money and supervised the finances of the revolutionary war

What is the person called when you have to do supervised visits with non custodial parents?

A case worker.

What nickname is given to US Air Force soldiers?

Airman/men (Notice the title it is capitalized, this is for both Officer and Enlisted personnel).That isn't a nickname, that's what they're called officially.Many branches refer to Airmen as "Flyboys" or, in general, the "Chair Force"

Who is the head of the personnel department?

Typically, the department that deals with personnel issues is called "Human Resources".

What was human resource management called before?


What was it called before human resources?

Before human resources departments, the function was often referred to as personnel management or personnel administration. These terms focused more on the administrative tasks related to managing employees rather than the strategic approach of human resources.

What is a police officer of a small town called?

A police officer

what do you call a roman officer?

A Roman Officer is called a ‘Centurion’.