The number 5.400 has four significant figures. In a decimal number, all non-zero digits are considered significant. The zeros between the non-zero digits are also significant. Therefore, all the digits in 5.400 are significant, making it a four-significant-figure number.
It is 5400.
Three significant figures are in this number.
There are six significant figures in this number (i.e. all the figures here are significant).
There are 4 significant figures in this number.
The number of significant figures should be equal to the significant figures in the least precise measurement.
It is 5400.
54.00 has 4 significant figures.
When multiplying numbers with significant figures, count the total number of significant figures in each number being multiplied. The result should have the same number of significant figures as the number with the fewest significant figures. Round the final answer to that number of significant figures.
Three significant figures are in this number.
3 significant figures.
If the conversion factor is exact, then the number of significant figures in the answer is the same as the number of significant figures in the original number.If the conversion factor is an approximation, then the number of significant figures in the result is the lesser of this number and the number of significant figures in the original number.
The least number of significant figures in any number of the problem determines the number of significant figures in the answer.
There are six significant figures in this number (i.e. all the figures here are significant).
There are 3 significant figures in this number.
There are 4 significant figures in this number.
There are 2 significant figures in this number.
There are 4 significant figures in this number.