equal sets with exactly the same elements and number of elements.equivalent sets with numbers of elements
It kind of depends on what "these" sets are.
Things may be correlated without causal relationship or conversely. Consider the Modulus function - that is the value of a number without regard to its sign. Over any domain (-a,a), there is a very strict relationship between x and mod(x), but their correlation is 0. Conversely, I expect that there is a good correlation between my age and the number of TV sets in the world. That is not to say that my getting older is producing more TVs or that TV production is causing me to age. Simply that both of them are correlated to a third variable - time. There can be correlation without such a third variable but, offhand, I cannot think of an example.
Correlation between two variables implies a linear relationship between them. The existence of correlation implies no causal relationship: the two could be causally related to a third variable. For example, my age is correlated with the number of TV sets in the UK but obviously there is no causal link between them - they are both linked to time.
According to the link: Bermuda has the greatest # at 1,009.71 per 1,000 people. Monaco is second and the United States is third.
2.4 television sets per 1ooo people
The number of TV sets in the UK and my age.
Approx. 600 TV sets/1 000 persons in 2010.
The united States of course.
As per TAM Annual Universe Update-2010 over 134 million households have TV sets.
7 Millions
As per Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) annual report 2010-11, the total number of TV sets in Pakistan is close to 12 million (Page 25 of the report)
There are a number of online sites that offer professional and customer reviews of these television sets. CNET and Digital Trends, for example, each have these reviews.
There are a number of popular selling Sony Television sets. Here is some info to help you out www.bestbuy.com/SonyTVs, www.tvhistory.tv/tv-prices.htm, www.pcworld.com/.../sonys_3d_tv_plans_become_a_little_clearer.html