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Q: The only Platonic solid with less than five faces is what?
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What solid shape has 4 less faces than a cube?

Since a cube has 6 faces, you would be looking for a solid shape with only 2 faces and no such solid exists.

What solid figure has 8 edges and less than 4 faces?

There is no such figure.

Why can t there be more then 5 platonic solids?

First, consider that at each vertex (point) at least three faces must come together, for if only two came together they would collapse against one another and we would not get a solid. Second, observe that the sum of the interior angles of the faces meeting at each vertex must be less than 360°, for otherwise they would not all fit together.

What are the plationic solids?

Platonic solids are convex regular (equiangular) polyhedra. There are five Platonic solids: the tetrahedron, or pyramid (four equilateral triangles for faces; traditionally associated with the element Fire), the octahedron (eight equilateral triangles; traditionally associated with Air), the icosahedron (twenty equilateral triangles; traditionally associated with Water), the cube (six squares for faces; traditionally associated with Earth), and the dodecahedron (which has twelve regular pentagons for faces and is associated with the legendary Luminiferous Aether that had often been considered an element). These are the only existing regular polyhedra that exhibit convexity; other, non-convex regular polyhedra (meaning that there are angles between some of their faces that are less than 180 degrees as measured from the outside surface) exist and are known as star polyhedra.

What solid figure have eight edges and 7 vertices?

None. Using Euler's formula v - e + f = 2, where v is vertices, e is edges, and f is faces, we see that for your question f = 3. No solid figure can have less than 4 faces (a tetrahedron).

What is the name of sum of the areas of all faces of a solid figure?

The "Surface Area" of the solid figure. Note, the word "total" in the answer above is not correct/needed - there can not be anything less than a surface area of a solid figure.

Why is there a limited number of platonic solids?

Let's try to make our own platonic solid.First we need to choose a regular polygon for our faces. Let's pick the n-gon.Now we need to decide how many n-gons will meet in each vertex of our platonic solid. Let's call this number m.Notice that not all combinations of n and m are good choices. If we pick m too large our solid will never close! For instance for n = m = 4, we would have to glue four squares together in every vertex, but this just gives a plane, not a solid.The right criterion for our solid to become 3D is that the sum of the angles in each vertex should be LESS than 360 degrees, because in this case gluing the edges together forces the shape to 'curl up'. Now, it's not so hard to calculate the angle of a corner in a regular n-gon: it's just 180 degrees times (n-2)/n.So we get the following angles:Triangle: 60 degreesSquare: 90 degreespentagon: 108 degreeshexagon: 120 degreesetc.Now, since in each vertex at least 3 faces must meet (if two faces would meet it would just be an edge) we can already see that for hexagons and beyond we can never get less than 360 degrees in a vertex, so platonic solids can only be of the following form:Three triangles meeting in every vertex. I.E. the tetrahedronFour triangles meeting in every vertex. I.E. the octagonFive triangle meeting in every vertex. I.E. the icosahedronthree squares meeting in every vertex. I.E. the cubethree pentagons meeting in every vertex. I.E. the dodecahedronThese are indeed exactly the platonic solids in 3 dimensions.Why are there a limited number of platonic solids?Read more: Why_are_there_a_limited_number_of_platonic_solids

Does solid liquid have less or more thermal energy?

It has less because you add a solid and liquid together and you get less.

Which polyhedrons has more faces but less vertices?

An octahedron, for example. 8 faces, 6 vertices.

What do two tetrahedrons joined face to face make?

A regular triangular dipyramid. It is one of the 92 "Johnson solids". Those are the convex polyhedra whose faces are regular polygons, but do not belong to either of the two sets of highly symmetric polyhedra (the Platonic and the Archimedean), or to the perhaps less interesting two infinite families of prisms and antiprisms.

What shape has 4 less faces then a cube?


Has 2 less faces than vertices?

A cube