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It is its place value.

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Q: The position of a single digit in the whole number?
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The position of a single digit you the whole number?

This does not make sense.

What is the place value or 84.61?

A place value is relevant in the context of a single digit within a number. For a whole number it has no meaning. A place value is relevant in the context of a single digit within a number. For a whole number it has no meaning. A place value is relevant in the context of a single digit within a number. For a whole number it has no meaning. A place value is relevant in the context of a single digit within a number. For a whole number it has no meaning.

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A single digit in a number can have a place value but not the whole number.

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A single digit in a number can have a place value, not the whole number!

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A whole number does not have a place value - a single digit in a number has.

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A single digit in a number has a place value, not a whole number.

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A single digit in a number has a place value, not a whole number.

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The smallest single digit whole number, i.e. integer, is -9. The phrase whole number should not be confused with the natural numbers, integers that go from 1 to +infinity. A whole number is any number that is in the set of integers, that is, the group of integers ranging from -infinity to +infinity.

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A single digit in a number can have a place value. A whole number of more than one digit cannot.

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Place value is a property of a single digit in a number, not of a whole number.

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A single digit in a number can have a place value. A whole number cannot.

What is the place value of 85.255?

A whole number does not have a place value. A single digit within a number does.