The circumference is 62.8318531 inches.
The circumference of a circle that has a radius of 5 inches is 10 X pi or approximatly 31.415926535897932384626433832795. If you know the radius you can find the circumference by multiplying it by 2(pi)
A circle with a radius of 10 feet has an area of 314.16 square feet.
A circle of radius 10cm has a circumference of 2πr cm = 2π x 10 = 62.83 cmIf the diameter equalled 10cm then the radius equalled 5 cm and the circumference of this circle = 2π x 5 = 31.42 cm
Use Circumference = 2 x radius x Pi Pi is 3.14159 appx. Therefore the circumference of your circle is 2 X 15 X 3.14159 inches or 94.25 inches or 7 feet 10 and 1 quarter inches
If the circumference of a circle is 10 feet the radius is: about 1.592 feet. For this type of calculation, divide the circumference by Pi (about 3.1416). This gives you the diameter. Next, divide the diameter by two to get the radius.
Circumference = 2*Ï€*radius = 20*Ï€ feet
Circumference = 2 x pie x radius Therefore, radius = 10/2/pie =1.6
The formula for circumference is 2 x pi x radius. For a circle of 10 feet, the cirumference would be 62.8 feet. The formula for area is pi x r2. For a circle of 10 feet, the radius would be 314.16 ft.
The circumference of a circle with a radius of 10 inches is about 62.83 inches.
A circle with a radius of 10 m has a circumference of 62.83 m.
It is: 2*pi*10 = 62.832 feet rounded to three decimal places
The circumference is pi times the diameter of the circle. Diameter is twice the radius, so the diameter is 10 feet. With pi approximately 3.14, the circumference (linear feet perimeter) is 31.4 feet.
Area of a circle is Pi x r x r (Pi r squared.) 3.142 x 10 x 10 square feet = 314.2 square feet.
The radius of this circle is 10 units.
A circle with a radius of 10 cm has a circumference of 62.83 cm.
circumference of a circle = 2*pi*radius or pi*diameter