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Q: The shorter I am the bigger I am what am I?
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How can resistence of a wire be minimised?

Make the length shorter; make the cross section bigger; choose a material with a low resistivity.Make the length shorter; make the cross section bigger; choose a material with a low resistivity.Make the length shorter; make the cross section bigger; choose a material with a low resistivity.Make the length shorter; make the cross section bigger; choose a material with a low resistivity.

In transformers animated how big is Lockdown?

Bigger than Bumblebee (WAY bigger) shorter than Omega Supreme (WAY shorter) and head and shoulders above Ratchet....a head shorter than Headmaster Bulkhead. Does that help?

Is a palace or mansion bigger?

Mansion. It is shorter but is wider.

The bigger the hotter the star the what?

The bigger and hotter a star is, the shorter its lifespan will be. This is because higher temperatures cause stars to burn through their fuel more quickly, leading to a faster depletion of their energy source and a shorter overall existence.

Why does the nose of a skatebaord have a bigger dip?

cuz the tail have more pop that why it shorter

Is a foot bigger than a kilometer?

No, a foot in length is much shorter that a kilometre.

How do you make your ears look bigger?

Cut your hair shorter and have someone fart in your ear.

Is a dodge challenger bigger than a dodge charger?

4" shorter and 20lbs lighter

Are wolverines bigger than an elephant?

No, they are about the size of a medium to large dog, though with shorter legs.

Are super giants stars the hottest stars?

The bigger the star the hotter it is and the shorter the time it exists for.

How is Neanderthals different from Con-Magnons?

Shorter, stockier, bigger muscles, expanded ribcage with larger lungs.

What did Yoshi look like when he first appered?

Back then, Yoshi was taller and bigger. He had shorter arms and a longer neck.