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66 & 80 kph respectively

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Q: The speed of a freight train is 14 km hr slower than the speed of a passenger train The freight train travels 330 km in the same time that it takes the passenger train to travel 400 km Find the speed?
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Does light travel slower threw water?

Yes, light travels slower in water than in air.

Who improved passenger and freight travel by inventing the steamboat?

Richard Fulton with "Fulton's Folly"

Does sound travel 4 times faster in liquid?

No it actually travels slower.

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The speed of a passenger train is 16mph faster than the speed of a freight train The passenger train travels 250miles in the same time it takes the freight train to travel 170 miles find the speed o?

Passenger train speed + 50 mph Freight train speed = 34mph V(passenger) = V(freight) + 16mph Vp x Time = 250mi. Vf x Time = 170mi. therefore... a. [Vf + 16] x T = 250 b. Vf x T = 170 Subtract b. from a. 16T = 80 Time = 5 hours Vp = 250/5 = 50 mph Vf = 170/5 = 34 mph

Is light slower in air or water or a vacuum and Why?

Light travels fastest in a vacuum because there are no particles to interact with and slow it down. It travels slower in air and even slower in water due to the presence of molecules that can scatter and absorb light, causing it to travel at a reduced speed.

Does light travel faster underwater than in air?

As compared to what? Compared to air, or to a vacuum, light travels quite a bit slower in water.As compared to what? Compared to air, or to a vacuum, light travels quite a bit slower in water.As compared to what? Compared to air, or to a vacuum, light travels quite a bit slower in water.As compared to what? Compared to air, or to a vacuum, light travels quite a bit slower in water.

A freight train travels 1 mile in 45 seconds At this rate how many miles will the train travel in 1 hour?


Does sound travel faster through a tree or air?

Air sound travels slower when going through a solid object

A passenger train takes 2 hours less than a freight train takes to travel from Norman to Enid The passenger train averages 96 km hr while the freight train averages 64 km hr What is the distance?

384 km.

A passanger train takes 2 hours less than a freight train takes to travel from Norman to Enid the passanger train averages 96 km an hr while the freight train averages 64 km an hr what is the distance?

A passenger train takes 2 hours less than a freight train takes to travel from Norman to Enid. The passenger train averages 96 km/hr, while the freight train averages 64 km/hr. What is the distance from Norman to Enid?

How fast do most passenger river boat travel in knots - most river boats around the world travel at the same speed?

Most of the passenger river boat travels at 35 knots per hour.