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It should be relatively easy to find the surface area of a box when you are given the surface area.

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7y ago

Since you are already given the surface area, the answer is fairly trivial. In other words, the surface area is equal to the surface area.

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Q: The surface area of a box when given the surface area height and peremeter?
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You cannot. You need to know the height as well. If you know the height, the surface area, A is given by A = 2*Ï€*r2 + 2*Ï€*r*h where r is the radius and h the height.

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What is the peremeter or area of 15 centimeters and 8 centimeters?

120 cm

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Add the area of the base to the combined area of the faces Or just do this formula: PIxradius squared+ PIxradiusxThe slant height (if it is given)

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The answer will depend on what the two given measures are. The total surface area is 2*pi*r*(r + h) where r is the radius and h the height.