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Q: The volume of a cube is 27 What is the sum of the length of all its edges?
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What is the cube root of volume of cube?

The volume of a cube is determined by cubing the length of one edge, so the cube root of the volume will give you the length of an edge. (In a cube, all of the edges are the same length)

How much is a cube that is 8cm in volume?

There is no volume that has units of length. If you meant to write 8cm3 then the cube has all edges 2cm (ie the "cube root" of 8 times the "cube root" of cm3)

What tools are used to measure volume of a cube?

All you need is a graduated ruler to measure the length of one edge. From there one calculates the volume. For a cube, which has edges of equal length, you can find the the volume by cubing the length of an edge. Vcube = e3

Are all the edges of a cube the same length?

They all have to be if it is a perfect cube.

What is the length of a cube in math?

A cube is a three dimensional figure with all edges having the same length and all six sideshaving the same area. The length of a cube is the length of any edge of the cube; all edges having thesame length.

How do you find the length of a cube if you know the volume?

A cube is a three dimensional object with all six faces square in shape. This means all edges have the same length, L.The volume of a cube is the cube of the length of an edge:width x height x depth,and because all these are the same it is the same as saying:L x L x L or L3,So if you have the volume, to determine the length of an edge, you need to find the cube root of the volume V:3√V=L

Find the number of cubic units in the volume of a cube whose edge measures 4 units?

In a cube, all edges have the same length. To find the cubic dimension (volume), cube the length of one edge: 4x4x4 = 64 cubic units

What has 12 edges all the same length?

A cube

How do you find the length of a edge of a cube?

-- If you don't know anything about the cube, then you just have to measure it. -- If you're told something about the cube, like for example its volume, or the area of a face, or the total area of all its faces, then you can use the formulas you know that express the relationship between the volume or area of a cube and the length of its edges.

What is the egde length of a cube with volume 512cm3?

A cube has all sides equal length and its volume is length cubed. For c volume of 512, each side has length cube root of 512, or 8 cm

What is the volume of a cube whose edges measures 6 meters?

volume is equal to length times width times hieght. since a cube has all sides equal to the same. then 6 cubed is your volume. 6 * 6 * 6 = 216

How do you calculate the area of the base of a cube?

The base of a cube is a square, so the area of the base of the cube is the area of that square. The area of a square is s2, where s is the length of on side. Side all edges of a cube have the same length, it doesn't matter which edge you use. Example: Find the area of the base of a cube with edges of length 7: A = 72 = 49 Example: Find the area of the base of a cube with volume 8 cubic meters. The volume of a cube is equal to s3, where s is the length of a side. 23=8, so 2 is the length of a side, and the area of the base is 22 = 4.