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There are fewer than 6 dozen egs in a basket If you count them by 3s there are 2 left over Three are left if you count by 5s How many eggs are there?

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Q: There are fewer than 6 dozen egs in a basket If you count them by 3s there are 2 left over Three are left if you count by 5s How many eggs are there?
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so if i have only three letters and if i have three it will be fewer the answer is LESS! (I caught that when i read it) it was so easy!

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Contrary to popular belief, the words 'less' and 'fewer' cannot be used interchangeably. 'Fewer' is used when it would be possible to count the number of things. (Example: There are fewer people here now than there were earlier.) 'Less' is used when you cannot count the number of things.

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