For a given area a circle has least perimeter. eg Let area = 100 sq cms. For the square or rectangle the perimeter = 40 cms For the circle the radius is square root of 100/3.1416 = 5.64 and the circumference = 2 x radius x 3.1416 = 35.44 cms
Some two-dimensional shapes: square triangle rectangle diamond circle trapezoid
here are some: 2d shapes- square circle triangle Rectangle 3d shapes- cone cuboid cube prism
40 meters.
If the rectangle is a square, the perimeter is 48 cm. If not, there are a lot of possibilities.
The area doesn't tell you the perimeter.-- If the square mile is inside a circle, then the perimeter (circumference) is 3.545 miles.-- If the square mile is inside a square, then the perimeter is 4.000 miles.-- If the square mile is inside rectangle that's 2 miles long and 1/2 mile wide,then the perimeter is 5.000 miles.-- If the square mile is inside a rectangle that's 10 miles long and 0.1 mile wide,then the perimeter is 20.2 miles...etc.The area doesn't tell you the perimeter.
Triangle square & rectangle
Circle, Square, Rectangle
Perimeter of which geometry (square, circle, rectangle, triangle, ...)
It is square,triangle,rectangle and circle.
circle, triangle, square and rectangle
circle , triangle , square , rectangle , diamond
rectangle, circle,square,triangle
Area of circle = pi*212 = 1385.44236 square cm Area of rectangle = 1385.44236 square cm Lenght of rectangle = 1385.44236/18 = 76.96902 cm Perimeter of rectangle = 2(76.96902)+2(18) = 189.93804 cm
Yes it is possible. Consider these two shapes with the same area: a 2-inch square and a 1-inch x 4-inch rectangle both have the same area of 4 sq inches. However, the square has a perimeter of 8 inches while the rectangle has a perimeter of 10 inches. By the way, the shape with the largest area for a given perimeter is a circle.
Square, rectangle, circle and triangle.
Not at all. For example:A square of 2 x 2 will have a perimeter of 8, and an area of 4. A rectangle of 3 x 1 will also have a perimeter of 8, and an area of 3.A "rectangle" of 4 x 0 will also have a perimeter of 8, but the area has shrunk down to zero. The circle has the largest area for a given perimeter/circumference.