M and Ms were invented just for the likes of it really. Don't trust me? Then make your own thoughts kid!
Hi, You will make a contest and see whos the dumbest, and then u will take the smarter one. XD LOL THAT HAPPEN TO ME! if shes your friend-talk about come up with a agreement if she isn't -find out if he likes her if he doesnt try to find out if he likes you ~CAZZIE WAZ HERE!
An ounce of of some class a weed and a nice pretty bong. No matter if he doesn't smoke he will like it every teenage boy likes weed.
He probably likes you as a great 'friend'. It doesn't necessarily mean anything, the more he talks to you, the more he wants to be with you. Just think of it like that.
Sally likes squares. Therefore, she likes me and she likes 1600. Yup 225=15^2 900=30^2 1600=40^2
sar sarsar my friend likes to be called zora ahras haras My friend likes to be called "Rah."
Too show how much he likes you as a friend, or he's cheating on someone.... for you.
If he smiles at you in class or talks to you when his friend is calling him or if his friend is asking him do you want to play with me and he says no, he askes you do you want to walk home with me or do you want to walk to class with me. Because my friend that does all of that stuff and this what i think he likes me but i like him so that is why i made this for you guys.
well, if you basically talk in class or out of class he or she probably likes you as a friend. But if you joke around and play hit each other you are probably more than friends
Yes she likes a guy in my class named dayne hall.
You should do nothing
If you have a friend who is a friend of him, ask the friend to ask him if he likes you.
She gives you clear hints about that. If she actually likes you she will give whole lots of hints to you. She will listen to all your thoughts.
if he looks at you alot and for school if you and a friend and the guy you like sit near each other be late to class and ask your friend if he asked were you were
It really is hard to say. The only way to get a true indication is by asking her if she likes you to.
Sounds like it.
Ask her.