Three point zero zero four - or - three and four thousandths.
Three and four hundredths = 3.04
It is fifty-four
three and four hundredths... in words
four thousand and three hundred forty thousanths
First, make a triangle. Then put the four dots anywhere on the triangle.
you are close. duble one is between three or four quarters.
speed awareness concentration fatigue
George HW Bush survived four plane crashes. He was a naval aviator in WWII. He became a naval aviator three days before turning 19, which made him the youngest naval aviator back then.
I read somewhere that they forgot to pay their taxes for three or four years.
four times 42 is 168, pretty close to 140 three times 42 is 126, even closer to 140
Franklin Roosevelt
Lincoln lost his mother at a young age, along with his brother and three out of four of his sons.
four, the ones from the 911 planes.... ... .. .
4/7 = 0.57 3/5 = 0.6 no they are not equal... but close