It is: 1260 days because threescore days are 60 days.
Two thousand seven hundred is 2700 (which can colloquially be called "twenty-seven hundred").
two thousand, seven hundred and twenty-five
you don't you write two hundred million, seven thousand. but...
The word form of 602107 is "six hundred two thousand one hundred seven." In this form, each digit is read individually according to its place value in the number. The number 602107 is broken down into hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, and hundred thousands.
It is: 1260 days because threescore days are 60 days.
Six Million Seven Thousand Two Hundred or Six Million Seven Thousand and Two Hundred
Two thousand seven hundred is 2700 (which can colloquially be called "twenty-seven hundred").
Seven hundred three thousand, two hundred ninety-seven
The answer is no, two thousand four is NOT seven hundred sixteen.
two hundred seventy nine thousand seven hundred = 279,700
One hundred two thousand, one hundred seven.
Seven million, two hundred three thousand, fourteen
Seven hundred one thousand, two hundred eight
Two hundred seven million, three hundred fifty thousand.