affirm - assert - allege - aver - maintain - declare
no actually its not a bannana whoever answered this is a retard it has something to do with it being a power statement or some bs like that so yeah i hope u didnt put that guys answer down
An equation has an equals sign ( = ). Equations assert the absolute equality of two expressions.
No it is not, bet you didnt know that loserrs!!
To declare or assert that something is wrong, you can use the word "proclaim" or "assert."
To assert or affirm with confidence; declare in a positive or peremptory manner. -Websters
using a quotation might not be useful
ASSERT : (legal) to state, affirm, or claim something as truth Examples : "Mr. Smith asserts that he was home last Thursday. " Examples : "The dog was not on a leash, as the owner had asserted."
assert that something actually exist and present evidence that is demonstrably factual.
#include<iostream> #include<stack> #include<cassert> int main () { std::stack<unsigned> s; assert (s.empty()==true); s.push (42); assert (s.empty()==false); s.pop (); assert (s.empty()==true); }
in which you assert
To claim something to which one has no right means trying to assert ownership or control over something that does not belong to you. This could be deceptive, unjust, or unlawful.
assert (boolean expression); Example: assert (a >= 0);
something you didnt expect to happen
freddie didnt want to say something he would regret, and sam didnt want to say something that seemed like she likes freddie