sly stallone
draw a line because they all live on same street. put the school between tom and blair;( 5 block from tom 5 block from blair); than put maria between school and tom which is 2 block from school and 3 block from tom. your answer is 10.
They were not invented, they just "are".
it was invented in 530 BC
Rocks are invented anywhere and everywhere!
Tom Smith made christmas crackers in 1846.
In 1847, Tom Smith invented the Christmas cracker. it was a simple idea which became an integral part of British celebration and tradition which still continues today, 162 years on.
Tom Smith invented and producted the first Christmas Cracker in 1847.
christmasa pudding
Christmas crackers
Christmas Cracker is Tom Smith invent.
Maybe; there's a tradition that Tom Smith invented Christmas crackers in 1847, but the Oxford English Dictionary records "pulling of crackers" and "cracker bon bons" in the early 1840s.
Christmas Crackers
Walker Smith was born in 1847.
Tom Oran was born in 1847.
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. He was born on March 3, 1847.
Nitroglycerin was invented by Italian chemist Ascanio Sobrero in 1847.