Here are 5 interesting mathematicians-P.C. Mahalanobis,S.Ramanujan,aryabhatta,Biswatosh Sengupta,Harish Chandra
Leonardo de Fibonacci, a mathematician from Pisa
fifty lakhs
Base ten has been around for a very long time. Man has used fingers to count since the dawn of time, which is base ten.If you mean when did the ten digits (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) get more or less formalized, then the credit probably goes to Indian mathematicians as zero was the last of those digits to be "recognized". By the 9th century AD rules for handling zero were well established.In 498 AD, Indian mathematician and astronomer Aryabhata stated that "sthānāt sthānaṁ daśaguņaṁ syāt" (literally, "place to place in ten times in value"), i.e. "from place to place each is ten times the preceding" which is the origin of the modern decimal-based place value notation.
Here are 5 interesting mathematicians-P.C. Mahalanobis,S.Ramanujan,aryabhatta,Biswatosh Sengupta,Harish Chandra
Indian Standard Time is calculated with a time offset of UTC + 5:30. If it is midnight UTC, then it will be 5:30am IST (Indian Standard Time). Indian Standard Time also covers Sri Lanka and the islands of Lakshadweep.
The top 5 best batsmen in India according to me are:Sachin TendulkarSaurav GangulyVirendar SehwagRahul DravidMS Dhoni
My opion is Pune is the best.
India falls in the Indian Standard Time (IST) time zone, which is UTC+5:30.
It will be 6.00 PM in Indian standard time
5 AM on Monday.
The Indian time for 0900 UTC is 1430 IST (Indian Standard Time). India is 5 hours and 30 minutes ahead of UTC.
The standard time in India is Indian Standard Time (IST), which is UTC+5:30.
indian institute of space and science technology