

Total area of 2 cm by 2 cm?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Total area of 2 cm by 2 cm?
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Assuming that the shape is triangular, the area is approx 1139 cm^2.

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You would need two 3 cm squares and two 2 cm squares to get a total area of 35 sq cm. A 3 cm square has an area of 9 sq cm and a 2 cm square has an area of 4 sq cm.

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Total surface area = (2*pi*62)+(12*pi*15) = 791.681 square cm to 3 d.p.

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Total surface area = (pi*32) + (2*pi*3*6) = (2*pi*32) = 63*pi square cm The height of the cylinder has to be 6 cm because the radius of the hemisphere is 3 cm which is also its height.

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51 cm 45cm 72.1 cm

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A square with a side length of 2 cm has an area of 4 square cm.

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Total surface area = 4*4*6 = 96 square cm

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Trapezoid Area = (1/2)(b1 + b2)(h) We have: b1 = 6cm b2 = 8 cm h = 5 cm Substitute the given values into the area formula: Trapezoid Area = (1/2)(b1 + b2)(h) Trapezoid Area = (1/2)(6 cm + 8 cm)(5 cm) Trapezoid Area = (1/2)(14 cm)(5 cm) Trapezoid Area = (7 cm)(5 cm) Trapezoid Area = 35 cm^2

A golf ball has a diameter of 4.1cm and the surface has 150 dimples of radius 2mm Calculate the total surface area?

You didn't finish the question but I assume that you mean the surface area minus the area of the dimples. The surface area of a sphere is 4π*r^2 and since the diameter is 4.1 cm, the radius is half of that or 2.05 cm. Hence the surface area of a sphere of radius 2.05 = 4*π*(2.05)^2 =52.8101725 cm^2 ---------- Now for the dimples. They are circles taken out of the surface of the sphere and hence each has an area of π*r^2 and there are 150 of these. One cm is 10 mm (cm is hundredth, mm is thousandth) So the radius of the dimples is 0.2cm 150 * π * (0.2)^2 = 150 * π * (0.04) = 6πcm^2 = 18.8495556 cm^2 ---------- Now we subtract the area of the dimples from the area of the sphere: 52.8101725 cm^2 18.8495556 cm^2 ------------------------------- Subtract 33.9606165 cm^2 ANSWER: 33.9606165 cm^2 is the surface area of the golf ball minus the area of the dimples.