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Q: Translate the verbal phrase into an expression 3 less than the square of a number p?
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What does the phrase square of an number mean?

The phrase "square of a number" means the number times itself. For example, the square of 5 is 25. This is the same as saying the number "squared".

How do you translate twelve more than one-half of the square of the input into an algebraic expression?

0.5*x2 + 12

What is the number or expression inside a radical?

A square root

3 less than the square of a number?

Subject: Algebra Topic: Expression Evaluation Step 1: Let the number be represented by the variable ( x ). Step 2: Write the expression for "a square of a number": ( x^2 ). Step 3: Write the expression for "3 less than a square of a number": ( x^2 - 3 ). Step 4: Provide the final answer: The expression representing "3 less than a square of a number" is ( x^2 - 3 ). Explanation: The expression ( x^2 - 3 ) represents the result of subtracting 3 from the square of a given number ( x ).

What is the discriminant polynomial 9x2-18x 9?

The discriminant polynomial is always [ b2 - 4ac ]. In any given expression, it's a number. In this expression, the number is zero, indicating that the expression is a square.

What is the square root of Scotland?

A square root is a mathematical function whose argument must be a number - or an expression that can be evaluated so as to give a number. Since Scotland is neither a number nor an algebraic expression, the question makes no sense.

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What is the square of a natural number?

The square of a number is the result obtained by multiplying the number by itself. The operation is known as squaring the number. The name comes from the fact that the area of a square is the square of one its sides. An expression such as x2 is usually read as x-square,

30 increased by 3 times the square of a number?

The expression is: 30+3x2

What is the algebraic expression of square of a quotient of a number and seven?


What is one of 2 equal factors of a number or expression?

A Square Root is one of the two equal factors of a number.