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That would be false. When you subtract two positive numbers, you only go into negatives if the number you are subtracting is greater than the number it's being subtracted from.

3 - 2 = 1

2 - 3 = -1

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Q: True or False When you subtract a positive integer from another positive integer the result is always negative Explain?
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How do you subtract a negative fraction from a negative fraction?

In the same way that you would answer a fraction subtract another fraction. The result could be either positive or negative, just as is the case with negative whole numbers.

When you subtract a negative integer from another integer is the difference greater than or less than the original?

To subtract a negative number is equivalent to adding a positive number. Two negatives multiplied make a positive.

When you subtract a negative number from another negative number do you get a positive or a negative number?

always a negative number. just think about going backwards on a number line.

When subtracting negative numbers why does it stay negative?

If you have negative 8 and subtract 3, you keep going you get negative 11. or if you have negative 3 apples, and take away 3, then you have negative 6 apples. Subtraction of a negative number from another negative number can be positive For example: If you have negative three and subtract negative eight you get positive five. -3 - (-8) = 5

What do you get when you subtract a negative by a negative?

It's either positive or negative depending on the number that is greater than the second number. Example subtract 10 from 20 the answer is 10. 20 as being the greater than 10. Another example subtract 5 from -10 the answer is -15. -10 as being the greater than 5. Take note when subtracting positive and negative integers you change the sign of the subtrahend.

True or False when you subtract a negative integer from another negative integer the result is always negative Explain.?

False. Counterexample: -1 - (-2) = -1 + 2 = 1.

What is positive 7 minus negative 8?

1 is the answer +8-(-7) = 15 If you subtract a negative number, you sign is changed to addition. A positive minus a minus = a positive. (two minuses next to one another = a +) +8-(-7) =+8+7 =15

Is a negative cubed a negative or positive?

Negative, because your multiplying a positive by another negative

If a negative number is divided by another negative number will the outcome be positive or negative?

It will be positive.

If a negative is divided by a positive what does it equal?

If a negative is divided by a positive, the resulting quotient will be negative. If a negative is divided by another negative, the quotient would be positive.

When can the square of a negative number be negative?

This can never be. The square of any number will always be positive. Any positive number multiplied by another positive number will be positive, while any negative number multiplied by another negative number will be positive.

Where you use negative integers?

One application is in accounting money- money owed is a negative balance ; money owed you is positive. Another application is in keeping score in games in which penalties can subtract from you score- you may end up with a negative score.