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Q: True or false Gender equality is not an issue in the world today?
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Gender equality is an issue in the world today but not in all regions of the world. In which regions might gender equality NOT be a topic of discussion?

Gender equality may be less of a topic in regions where traditional gender roles are strongly upheld, such as some areas in the Middle East or parts of rural Asia and Africa. In these regions, cultural norms and societal expectations may prioritize maintaining traditional gender roles over promoting gender equality.

What is the fullform of OGER?

OGER stands for Organizational Gender Equality Ratings. It is a tool that evaluates and rates organizations on their commitment to gender equality and diversity in the workplace.

What are the goals of the US today?

End Hunger, Universal Education, Gender Equality, Child Health, Maternal Health, Combat HIV/AIDS, Environmental Sustainability, and global partnership.

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How do you reconcile equality versus equity in public education today?

Has modern society put an end to the subjection of women?

While progress has been made in the fight for gender equality, women still face various forms of subjugation and discrimination in modern society, such as the gender pay gap, limited access to education and healthcare, and underrepresentation in leadership positions. Efforts to address these issues are ongoing, but full equality has not yet been achieved.

What would the founding fathers like or dislike about our freedom and equality in today's society?

My opinion: They would be thrilled with universal suffrage (every adult can vote regardless of race or gender). They would be horrified with everything else.

How did women achieve equality today?

By working tirelessly for it.

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False. I think it is used more today.

Does Nellie McClung deserve to be famous?

Yes, Nellie McClung deserves to be famous. She was a prominent Canadian suffragette, politician, and social reformer who fought for women's rights and gender equality. McClung was instrumental in achieving women's suffrage in Canada and made significant contributions to advancing women's rights during her lifetime. Her work and advocacy continue to inspire and influence the fight for gender equality today.

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Are people attitudes toward women today different from the way they were years ago if so how?

Yes, attitudes toward women have evolved over the years, with progress made towards gender equality. Women have gained more rights and opportunities in education, work, and society. However, there are still challenges such as gender stereotypes and discrimination that continue to affect women's experiences.

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