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Q: Two-thirds minus one half equals
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1 and 3 fourths

What is one and a half minus one and a half?

One and a half minus one and a half is zero.

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zero, one half equals five tenths, just as 4/8 and 2/4

One half of n diminished by six equals one?

n = 14 half of 14 is 7 and 7 minus 6 is 1

What is the answer to x equals two and one half minus one and three eights?

x=2.5-1.375=1.125 which is one and one eights.

What is one half minus one fifth?

One half minus one fifth is 3 tenths

What is four minus one and a half?

Four minus one and a half is two and a half: 4 - 1.5 = 2.5

What is the answer Karina has 8 and one half inch by 11 inch sheet of paper she wants to leave a 3 4ths of an inch margin on all 4 sides of the paper what are the dimensions of the remaining area?

Well 8 and one half inch equals 8.5 inches.3 4th of an inch equals .75 inch.So 8.5 inches minus .75 inch equals 7.75 inches7.75 inches minus another .75 inch equals 7 inches11 inches minus .75 inch equals 10.25 inches10.25 inches minus another .75 inch equals 9.5 inchesSo then the dimensions would be 7 inches by 9.5 inchesor7 inches by 9 and one half inches.