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I think they are the same length because they have equal sides and the area would not change.

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Q: Two parallelograms have pairs of sides that are three feet long and two feet long one of the parallelograms is a rectangle and the other is not Which has a bigger area and why?
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What is the difference of a rectangle and parallellogram?

Rectangles are parallelograms. Parallelograms are polygons that has 2 or more pairs of parallel sides.

Are all parallelogram rectangle's?

Yes. Parallelograms have two pairs of opposite sides that are parallel. Rectangles also have two pairs of opposite sides that are parallel, which makes them parallelograms.

What is a rectangle but not a parallelogram?

A parallelogram has two pairs of opposite sides that are equal in length and parallel. A rectangle has two pairs of opposite sides that are equal in length and are parallel. Thus all rectangles are parallelograms. (A rectangle has the extra condition that all its angles are equal at 90°, thus all parallelograms are not rectangles.) There cannot be a rectangle that is not a parallelogram.

What quadrilaterlas Diagonals Form 2 Pairs Of Isoceles Triangles?

Parallelograms of any form, a square, a rectangle, and a rhombus are just special parallelograms so all will form 2 pairs of isosceles triangles when a diagonal is drawn.

Every square is a parallelogram?

A parallelogram is a quadrilateral (4 sided shape) with 2 pairs of parallel sides. As a square has two pairs of sides that are parallel to each other, it must be a parallelogram just as a rectangle is. Although all squares and rectangles are parallelograms, not all parallelograms are rectangular or square.

Why are some parallelograms not rectangles?

It is because parallelograms are in definition, is a quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides. So that means the angles don't have to be 90 degrees like the rectangle has to; as long as two pairs of sides are parallel and is a quadrilateral, it is a parallelogram.

Is every rectangle is a Parellelogram?

Yes. All rectangles have two pairs of parallel sides, though not all parallelograms are rectangles.

Why is a rectangle also a parallelogram?

Rectangles form a subset of parallelograms. It has four sides comprising two pairs of parallel sides.

How many pairs of equal sides has a rectangle?

A rectangle has two pairs of parallel and congruent sides. An equilateral rectangle, or square, has four equal sides. Other quadrilaterals include trapezoids, which have two adjacent and equal sides, parallelograms, which have two pairs of parallel and congruent sides, and rhombi, which have four equal sides. (The a rectangle is a type of parallelogram. What differentiates it is angle configuration. A rhombus is likewise differentiated from a square by angle configuration.)

What shape has Two pairs of parallel sides with no right angles?

A parallelogram is a quadrilateral that has two pairs of parallel sides. Some parallelograms, such as squares and rectangles have right angles, but most do not. So the answer is a parallelograms that is not a rectangle (square).

Are all parallelograms are rectangle?

Yes. All rectangles are parallelograms.A parellelogram is defined as a figure in which both pairs of opposite sides are parallel.A rectangle can also be described as a quadrilateral parallelogram, or an equiangular parallelogram because all of its angles are 90 degrees.However, although all rectangles are parallelograms, it is important to remember that not all parallelograms are rectangles.All rectangles and parallelograms are 4 sided quadrilaterals

Are rectangles also parallelograms?

A rectangle must have four right angles in addition to two pairs of parallel edges. So some rectangles are parallelograms but not all are.