1: Because they eat smaller creatures that live under the sea ice and sea ice is decreasing which leaves them with no food.
2: caused by humans.
If you start counting in the usual way, with "one, two, three, ...", then as soon asyou say "eight" and keep going, all of the numbers that you say after that, until youget tired of it and stop, are all natural numbers greater than 8. You'll never completethe list, since there are an infinite quantity of them.
increments are the numbers that your going by on a line graph like ur going by 5's and so on
First we need to recognize that any form of infinity is just a mathematical construct. We are not ever going to have to deal with actual infinities, but what is very useful is understanding limiting behavior as something or other goes towards infinity. It is here that the difference between countable and uncountable infinities matters immensely. ; countable : can be put into a one to one correspondence with the natural numbers ; uncountable : cannot be put into a one to one correspondence with the natural numbers
There are 10,737,573 combinations and you must think I am mad if you think I am going to list them!
Yes, all the counting numbers are natural numbers. Starting with 1,2,3 and going on forever.
I can't give you a good reason because there are no good reasons To provide you a dental care
One of the reasons is that transplant techniques have become better and transplants are easier and safer. The negative reason is that organ failure as consequence of excesses in lifestyles, accumulative stress and environmental pollution has increased in cities.
There are several reasons why a pilot light could be going on. One reason is there could be a light breeze that is extinguishing the flame.
is zero an integerYes. The integers include all of the positive and negative whole numbers and zero.Whole numbers, natural numbers, counting numbers are all types of integers.
History is still going and changing for many reasons. The main reason it is still going is because there is still life on earth that change.
Back in the dizzay, people would have old cashregisters that were big and for some reason they put the numbers on it staring from 9 and going to 0. There was not really a reason but it just stuck.
You have to first find out the reason she wants to overdose. After that, try to convince her that those reasons aren't even reasons. If she tells you the reason is because she thinks there's no one who loves her, then you should tell her that her family loves her, she has friends etc.
The first good reason is that you are going to see something new on earth.The second good reason is that you might learn something new.The third good reason is that you will you will spend a great time with your family!
France was about to be overrun by Germany. A good reason to go to war ??
The answer is a variety of reasons. One reason might be if the person is going on a job interview. Another reason might be when going out on a date. One example would be Deanie Etcetera dressing in some fabulous clothes to impress the man of her heart, Mitch Longley.
Zero is not thought to be a natural number, since counting generally begins with one. If you have (for example) no apples, you are not going to count your apples. The use of zero in mathematics is a more sophisticated development, than the natural numbers.