The Upside down T symbol indicates perpendicular lines.
It is the symbol for 'perpendicular'.
In mathematics an upside down triangle corresponds to the gradient operator and is sometimes called "del". The Greek symbol of an upside down triangle is called "Nabla".
The 'upside down' triangle symbol is the (greek?) letter Nabla. Nabla means the gradient. The gradient is the vector field whoose components are the partial derivatives of a function F given by (df/dx, df/dy).
In sets it means intersects. like what is common in both sets
There is no upside down capital A symbols in runescape.
An upside down capital T - as shown below: â”´
An ohmmeter measures ohms. These are the measurement of electrical resistance. The symbol for ohms is the capital Omega symbol, a symbol that resembles an upside down horseshoe.
The Upside down T symbol indicates perpendicular lines.
No. Flying a flag upside down is a symbol of distress.
It is the symbol for 'perpendicular'.
freaks like you
In set theory, the symbol of intersection is ∩, like an upside down U.
The upside down peace symbol is used as a logo for infamous "hard core" band Trash Talk.
It is still used as a symbol for St. Peter (who was crucified upside-down). However it has become associated with satanic groups because it is viewed as an opposite for Christianity's cross.
In Catholicism the upside down cross is sometimes worn by those with a devotion to St. Peter the Apostle who was crucified upside down.
The Japanese upside down symbol for freedom "自由" translates to "freedom" in English. It represents the idea of liberty and having the ability to act and choose without constraint.