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Q: Use of stimulant can promote the delusion of overconfidence true or false?
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Paranoid schizophrenia is when there is a presence of a delusion, a false belief, and possibly a hallucination that fuels that delusion. Types of delusion include delusional jealousy, erotomanic delusion, persecutory delusion, grandiose, and somatic delusion.

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An illusion is a false mental image produced by misinterpretation of things that actually exist: 'A mirage is an illusion produced by reflection of light against the sky'.... A delusion is a persistent false belief: A' paranoiac has delusions of persecution'.

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What in 2Thessalonians is the Strong delusion that they should believe a lie specifically referring to?

My Bible cross refernces this verse 2Thess 2:11 with Matt24 :5 and 1Tim 4:1. These two verses refer to false teaching and false prophets. Looking at the context of 2Thess2:11 (V8, V9) I think this 'strong delusion' is a/the false prophet or the antichrist who will work 'signs and lying wonders' and so deceive those who 'did not love and welcome the truth'.

What is the meaning of delusion?

The act of deluding; deception; a misleading of the mind., The state of being deluded or misled., That which is falsely or delusively believed or propagated; false belief; error in belief.

What are examples of delusions?

Examples of delusions include paranoid delusions (believing that someone is out to harm you), grandiose delusions (believing you have special powers or abilities), and somatic delusions (believing that you have a serious medical condition despite evidence to the contrary).

What is a false or exaggerated opinion of ones ability?

A false or exaggerated opinion of one's ability is known as overconfidence or hubris. This can lead individuals to overestimate their skills, knowledge, or judgment, often resulting in mistakes, poor choices, or failure to recognize limitations. It is important to maintain a balanced and realistic view of one's capabilities.

What is a delusion?

A delusion is a false belief. People who suffer from delusions may think that they are someone famous. They may feel that other people are trying to hurt them. They may think that the world is flat. Any false belief can be called a delusion. Many people think of Delusions of Grandeur when they hear the word. This is a special set of delusions where the person believes that they are famous, or that a famous person is especially close to them.