One example of an analog multiplexer is the source control on a home stereo unit that allows the user to choose between the audio from a compact disc (CD) player, digital versatile disc (DVD) player and Cable Television line, for example.
uses in laser machine
Real world uses for vectors would be plotting courses for boats and planning the construction of roads
using 8:1 mux....
There are no real life applications of reciprocal functions
ATOMS are real life examples of atoms. They do exist.
The real life uses are to warship,worship and worship allah........
DNA has many uses in real life. These uses may include use as evidence in a crime scene for example
A: Suppose there is many points to measure and there is one voltmeter then a multiplexer will randomly access those points and measure it depending on the logical data input.
what are real life design considerations that would apply to a wind generator
they are no uses
Statistical multiplexer does not reserve time slots or frequencies. Instead, it dynamically allocates bandwidth only when it is needed.
Statistical multiplexer does not reserve time slots or frequencies. Instead, it dynamically allocates bandwidth only when it is needed.
An electronics multiplexer will select an output by a digital code. a mechanical multiplexer will select an out by a mechanical switch of sort possibly driven by a motor
uses in laser machine
Unless you are a mathematician, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING
you can find them at banks and also at the shops