The millions, then the Ten Millions, then the Hundred Millions, then the Billions, the Ten Billions, the Hundred Billions, the Trillions, the Ten Trillions, the Hundred trillions, the Quadrillions, the Ten Quadrillions, the Hundred Quadrillions, the Quintillions and so on.
The place value of the 5 in the number 150000000 is fifty million.
Its place value is: 30,000,000 = thirty million
10 million
It is: 8,000,000 = eight million
The 7 in the number 987654321 is in the millionth's place.
'4' is placed at the 'million'.
The place value of the 5 in the number 150000000 is fifty million.
A million (largest value, with 9 in that place, is 9 million).
The value of the 4 is 400 million. It's in the hundred million place value.
whats the value of 1 million $ note today?
it is in the hundred million place
It is: seven million = 7,000,000
Its place value is: 30,000,000 = thirty million
20 million
a trillion
It is six million.