When you are using decimals any extra zeros at the end wont matter. Just like when you put zeros in front of whole numbers. ex. 5 = 05
hundredths or thousandths which is greater?
0.05 is the same as 0.050 0.050-0.005 = 0.045
five12:00 - 07:00 = 05:00
.375 is greater than .05
Jess Sum was born on 1984-04-05.
Sammy Sum was born on 1983-05-04.
The Sum of All Fears was released on 05/31/2002.
The Sum of All Fears - film - was created on 2002-05-31.
The Sum of All Fears - video game - was created on 2002-05-31.
6.05 is smaller than 6.2 because 6.2 is actually 6.20 when you look at the decimals .05 < .20
Five Hundredths: .05 Nine Hundredths: .09
1 _equals .5 or .05 but if u are dividing on a calculator and you divide 1 by2 it will equal.5 2
When you have decimals you times them buy 100 to get the percent so .5 equals 50% and .05 equals 5% and .005 equals .5%
There are infinitely many numbers between any two numbers.For example, between 04 (=4) and 05 (=5), there are4.0000000000000000000020024.00000000000000000000200214.00000000000000000000200224.00000000000000000000200220034.999999