(Apex Learning) The first syllable of each foot is stressed.
You don’t. The system you use in your classes are purchased by the school district and the answers can vary between systems. Cheating for your classes doesn’t help you. If you are making up high school units to graduate you aren’t helping yourself because you will leave school knowing very little which won’t get you a job.
Julate is the sun
The exponent is a characteristic of a number. A measurement unit does not have an exponent. Since a metre is a measurement unit, it does not have an exponent.
One thousandth of a meter is a millimeter
It is made up of four two-syllable feet.
PEter PEter PUMPkin Eaterthat my freind is trochaic meter XDPEter PEter PUMPkin Eaterthat my freind is trochaic meter XD
iambic meter
The meter marked the opposite of iambic is trochaic. In trochaic meter, the stress falls on the first syllable of each foot (e.g., "Tro-chee"), whereas in iambic meter, the stress falls on the second syllable of each foot (e.g., "pa-RADE").
"Blatant" does not follow a consistent iambic or trochaic meter as it contains two syllables and does not strictly adhere to these metrical patterns.
Trochaic tetrameter
The meter in "Where the Sidewalk Ends" is primarily trochaic tetrameter, which consists of four trochaic feet per line. This meter helps create a playful and rhythmic quality to the poem, enhancing its whimsical and imaginative tone.
Trochaic tetrameter is a meter in poetry. It refers to a line of fourtrochaicfeet. The word "tetrameter" simply means that the poem has four trochees. A trochee is a long syllable, or stressed syllable, followed by a short, or unstressed, one.
Trochaic pentameter is a line with 5 trochaic feet, or stresses.For example: Bobby wanted candy Tuesday eveningThis is in contrast to iambic pentameter which has 5 iambic feet, or stresses:The bird upon electric chord is flaming
The meter of "Mary Had a Little Lamb" is trochaic tetrameter, which consists of lines with four trochees (each trochee contains one stressed syllable followed by one unstressed syllable).
The rhyme scheme of this poem is simple AABB and it has meter of trochaic pentameter.