The biggest number referred to regularly is a googolplex (10googol), which works out as 1010^100
The schmittyillion I something I coined... I am a googolist guys. Spare me. Schmittyillion is 10^310^310... a googol minus 2 more times raised to the 4182001. The quadrimilliquattuordecicentillion though is one followed by 12345 zeroes according to Googology Wiki I coined that also. I also coined pastavecillion and nastihotillion. As well as tunapotillion as seen below, from Large Numbers to Infinity Wiki on Fandom:
Pastavecillion, 1E(3E(3E(1.5E13)+30)+3)
Nastihotillion, 1E(3E(3E(2.7E13+(300)))+3)
Tunapotillion, 1E(3E(3E(1.2E16)+3E1500)+3)
Termabotillion, 1E(3E(3E(1.2E19)+3E600)+3)
Terminalillion, 1E(3E(3E(1.2E19+(27,000)))+3)
Novopastillion, 1E(3E(3E(2.7E22)+3E(3E(1.5E13))+3)
Trolapetillion, 1E(3E(3E(9E24)+3E15)+3)
Yolopalillion, 1E(3E(3E(2.4E25)+3E(3E(1.5E4))+3)
Yetitrolillion, 1E(3E(3E(2.4E28+(9E24)))+3)
Netipotillion, 1E(3E(3E(2.7E28+(1500)))+3)
Dupasupamegamillillion, 1E(3E(3E(6E36)+3E(3E36)+3,000,003)+3)
Pupanecterillion, 1E(3E(3E(1.5E37)+3E282)+3)
Pupitreetillion, 1E(3E(3E(1.5E37+(9E27)))+3)
Yersohotillion, 1E(3E(3E(2.4E40)+3E(3E300))+3)
Multiversillion, 1E(3E(3E(3E42+(3E39)))+3)
Taxapermillion, 1E(3E(3E(1.5E37)+3E(1.5E19))+3)
Peyratolillion, 1E(3E(3E(1.5E46)+3E(1.2E25))+3)
Dousatonlillion, 1E(3E(3E(6E60)+3E(1.2E55))+3)
Torsobultillion, 1E(3E(3E(1.2E64)+3E(3E(6E42))+3)
Tripahorsillion, 1E(3E(3E(9E111)+3E(3E63))+3)
Tipapotillion, 1E(3E(3E(1.2E112)+3E1500)+3)
Tipahousillion, 1E(3E(3E(1.2E112)+3E(3E60))+3)
Datanetillion, 1E(3E(3E(6E120)+3E(2.7E28))+3)
Portapotyrillion, 1E(3E(3E(1.5E241)+3E(1.5E48)+3)
Banananodolillion, 1E(3E(3E(6E300)+3E(6E24)+3)
Yebrosupillion, 1E(3E(3E(2.4E3001)+3E(3E(3E36))+3)
Mayodipillion, 1E(3E(3E(3E(3E12)))+3E(3E(6E111))+3)
Jonathan Bowers is known for his illion system. For example millillion is the 1000th illion, but micrillion is the millionth, nanillion the billionth, etc. He divides his illions in tiers. Each tier depends on how many base powers of ten there are. If the top exponent is over 3000, it should be placed in the tier above. If it is lower than three, it should be put in the tier below. All listed above are Tier 4 and 5 -illions, which are bigger than both googolplexian (googolplex zeroes) and googoltriplex (googolplexian zeroes). Like I said, all of these are still no match for Schmittyillion which is in Tier Googol. Another number I coined is inphixillion, in tier googolillion (10^(3*googol+3)), which is probably the largest googolism by record.
I hope you learned a lot from this! -Trakaplexπ
Come on it is obviously infinity with 1 and infinite zeros.
First, infinity is not a number. Imagine a variable with no formula around it to find out its value. Can you calculate with it? NO! Infinity is like that; it is not a number, ever. Ordinal infinities don't work either. If we get rid of all "infinities", the biggest number that is considered as "number" is the Large Number Garden Number. But its definition is still on verification. So if not considering the Large Number Garden Number, the current biggest number is BIGFOOT. And you might wanna completely disclude an ill-defined number. In that case, the biggest well-defined number is infinite-time Turing machine function's values. If you only consider computable numbers (computable=able to get the result by running a computer), the biggest number is something little bigger or smaller than the Y-sequence number.
The schmittyillion I something I coined... I am a googolist guys. Spare me. Schmittyillion is 10^310^310... a googol minus 2 more times raised to the 4182001. The quadrimilliquattuordecicentillion though is one followed by 12345 zeroes according to Googology Wiki I coined that also. I also coined pastavecillion and nastihotillion. As well as tunapotillion as seen below, from Large Numbers to Infinity Wiki on Fandom:
Pastavecillion, 1E(3E(3E(1.5E13)+30)+3)
Nastihotillion, 1E(3E(3E(2.7E13+(300)))+3)
Tunapotillion, 1E(3E(3E(1.2E16)+3E1500)+3)
Termabotillion, 1E(3E(3E(1.2E19)+3E600)+3)
Terminalillion, 1E(3E(3E(1.2E19+(27,000)))+3)
Novopastillion, 1E(3E(3E(2.7E22)+3E(3E(1.5E13))+3)
Trolapetillion, 1E(3E(3E(9E24)+3E15)+3)
Yolopalillion, 1E(3E(3E(2.4E25)+3E(3E(1.5E4))+3)
Yetitrolillion, 1E(3E(3E(2.4E28+(9E24)))+3)
Netipotillion, 1E(3E(3E(2.7E28+(1500)))+3)
Dupasupamegamillillion, 1E(3E(3E(6E36)+3E(3E36)+3,000,003)+3)
Pupanecterillion, 1E(3E(3E(1.5E37)+3E282)+3)
Pupitreetillion, 1E(3E(3E(1.5E37+(9E27)))+3)
Yersohotillion, 1E(3E(3E(2.4E40)+3E(3E300))+3)
Multiversillion, 1E(3E(3E(3E42+(3E39)))+3)
Taxapermillion, 1E(3E(3E(1.5E37)+3E(1.5E19))+3)
Peyratolillion, 1E(3E(3E(1.5E46)+3E(1.2E25))+3)
Dousatonlillion, 1E(3E(3E(6E60)+3E(1.2E55))+3)
Torsobultillion, 1E(3E(3E(1.2E64)+3E(3E(6E42))+3)
Tripahorsillion, 1E(3E(3E(9E111)+3E(3E63))+3)
Tipapotillion, 1E(3E(3E(1.2E112)+3E1500)+3)
Tipahousillion, 1E(3E(3E(1.2E112)+3E(3E60))+3)
Datanetillion, 1E(3E(3E(6E120)+3E(2.7E28))+3)
Portapotyrillion, 1E(3E(3E(1.5E241)+3E(1.5E48)+3)
Banananodolillion, 1E(3E(3E(6E300)+3E(6E24)+3)
Yebrosupillion, 1E(3E(3E(2.4E3001)+3E(3E(3E36))+3)
Mayodipillion, 1E(3E(3E(3E(3E12)))+3E(3E(6E111))+3)
Jonathan Bowers is known for his illion system. For example millillion is the 1000th illion, but micrillion is the millionth, nanillion the billionth, etc. He divides his illions in tiers. Each tier depends on how many base powers of ten there are. If the top exponent is over 3000, it should be placed in the tier above. If it is lower than three, it should be put in the tier below. All listed above are Tier 4 and 5 -illions, which are bigger than both googolplexian (googolplex zeroes) and googoltriplex (googolplexian zeroes). Like I said, all of these are still no match for Schmittyillion which is in Tier Googol. Another number I coined is inphixillion, in tier googolillion (10^(3*googol+3)), which is probably the largest googolism by record.
I hope you learned a lot from this! -Trakaplexπ
and infinite is the 1st biggest known number
pi is the 2nd biggest known number
No, you can add another 0 to the end and get a bigger number. You can keep doing this. That is why there is no biggest number.
The biggest number in the world ever created, with an actual name is the number called Googol, witch has 100 zeros and 1 one in it. So, the biggest number WITH a name is called Googol.
The biggest odd number between 1 and 10 is 9.
The biggest number that you can create using 1234 is 4321.
No. Then comes quadrillion, quintillion, sextillion, septillion, octillion, nonillion, decillion, etc., etc. Numbers go on forever, so there is no biggest number. Infinity is not a number.
it is googleplex. that is the biggset one known. it is 1 with google zeros. google has 100 zeros and is the next biggest number
squares go up to infinity there is no limit, but there is no answer for the largest known square number here yet there won't no answer for that.
Yes google is the biggest number ever known. Google is a 1 with a hundred 0's.
As far as is known, there are no man-made objects on Saturn, and therefore no numbers there.
It’s A Googolplexian. To See How Big It Is We Need To See Another Big Number. Googol. A Googol Is A 1 With 100 Zeros. A Googolplex Is A 1 With Googol Zeroes. A Googolplexian Is A 1 With Googolplex Zeroes. So Yeah. But You Know Million, Billion, Trillion. What’s The Biggest -illion Number. In Many Dictionaries It’s Centillion A 1 With 303 Zeroes. But We Can Go Further. If You Include Every Number Known Even The Ones Not In A Single Official Dictionary. It Is A Millinillion A 1 With 3003 Zeroes! So Conclusion.Googolplexian - Biggest Known NumberCentillion - Biggest -Illion Number (In Dictionaries)Millinillion - Biggest -Illion Number (Including Non-Dictionary Numbers)
It isn't the biggest number,just the biggest component.
It did not because there is no such thing as the biggest number.
Answer:The biggest thing known to man is the Universe (Not observable universe) But if Omniverse exist, that would be the biggest thing known to Man.
yes it was the biggest ship known to man
The biggest number that can be possibly be written, is 10^4*185
google is the biggest number in the world and google is a real number