Well, isn't that a happy little math problem! To find two numbers that multiply to 57, we can think of numbers that are close together. The numbers 9 and 6 are a good pair because when you multiply them, you get 54, which is close to 57. Just a few gentle calculations and you'll see how they fit together like a beautiful landscape painting.
1 x 57, 3 x 19
1 * 114 2 * 57 3 * 38 6 * 19
To change a ratio into an equivalent ratio, multiply (or divide) both of the numbers by the same number. For example, multiply both numbers by 2 to obtain the ratio 6:38 Multiply both numbers by 3 of obtain the ratio 9:57 Or multiply both numbers by 4 to obtain the ratio 12:76
1 x 57, 3 x 19
1 x 57 and 3 x 19
1 * 114 2 * 57 3 * 38 6 * 19
154 = 2 x 7 x 11
To change a ratio into an equivalent ratio, multiply (or divide) both of the numbers by the same number. For example, multiply both numbers by 2 to obtain the ratio 6:38 Multiply both numbers by 3 of obtain the ratio 9:57 Or multiply both numbers by 4 to obtain the ratio 12:76
Get a calculator!! 57
The numbers are 4 and 13