nth. This refers to a number raised to an undefined power.
"Consider x to the nth power."
for vowels=8/13; for consonants=5/13; sample space |S|=13
Both vowels in the word magic are short vowels.
Probability of choosing a consonant from math = 3/4
A variable is a (letter) symbol that represents one or more numbers
Limaçons http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limacon
TSKTSKS is a good Scrabble word. The plural of Tsktsk, expressions of distain.
RHYTHMS is the longest world having no vowels. there is no nine letter word having no vowels
RHYTHMS is the longest world having no vowels. there is no nine letter word having no vowels
3 out of 6
A seven (7) letter word without vowels: glycyls
The ten-letter word for letters that are not vowels is consonants.
every word has vowels.
Rhythms is a seven letter word that contains no vowels.
What 11-letter word has five a's but no other vowels in it?
An eight letter word with three vowels using those letters is scavenge.Eight letter words with four vowels using those letters are agencies and envisage.
all words have vowels in them