Can not be done! An odd number of odd numbers will ALWAYS add up to an odd number.
An odd number of odd numbers can't add up to an even number.
An odd number of odd numbers can not add up to an even number. There fore any 9 (odd) odd numbers can not add up to 50 (even).
Assuming that by "become 30" you mean add up to 30 then the answer is no.5 odd numbers will always add up to an odd number; never an even amount.This question is a little unclear. If there are no stipulated rules and you just wish to perform a calculation with 5 odd numbers to reach 30 then this is possible. For example:((935 - 5) / (33 - 3)) - 1 = 30.
None. Any two odd numbers add up to an even number.
No three odd numbers can add up to an even number.
There are no such numbers.
There are no such numbers. The sum of any three odd numbers must be odd. 112 is not.