A = S squared is the formula for area of a square
A = area
S = lenght of side
C equals the square root of 1000 or 31.622776601683793319988935444327...
93 squared equals 8,649.
62 squared equals 3,844.
65 squared equals 4,225.
Energy equals mass multiplied by the speed of light squared
Energy equals mass times the SPEED of light squared
C = speed of light
Energy = mass x speed of light(squared)
Energy=Mass xC2 What does the C stand for?
Square root of s, or negative square root of s.
It probably means 5 squared = 25
102 = 100.I don't think it matters what 's' is.
The energy(e) of a mass to energy conversion equals the mass(m) that was converted multiplied by the speed of light(c) squared.
The number that equals 121 when squared is 11.
5.477225575 squared equals 30.