In adding fractions the denominators (the numbers below the line) have to be the same, so we need to make 1/4 into ?/8
To do this we need to multiply the 4 by 2, so we must do the same to the numerator (the number above the line), in this case, the 1
So 1/4 = 2/8
Now we can add the 2/8 + 3/8 and we get 5/8.
As 5 and 8 don't share any factors, this fraction cannot be simplified any further, and is the answer.
1-1/2. 2 eigths are 1 quarter.
Firstly convert one quarter into eigths. Multiply both the numerator and the denominator by 2. Therefore 1/4=2/8. Now you can add 2/8 to 1/8. Therefore 1/4 plus 1/8=3/8.
1/4 = 2/8 so 2/8 +3/8 = 5/8
five sixteenths (1/4 = 4/16 and 3/8 = 6/16)
1 and 7/8
3 eigths of 64 = 24
9-3 and seven eigths = 6
(1 and 1/4) + 3/4 = 2
1 3/8.
It is: 1/2 add 1/4 = 3/4