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Q: What a fractional answer make sense in this situation?
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First of all, that question doesn't make sense. Second of all, you got a situation here. And that situation is how good looking the situation's situation is.

Fractional notation of 95?

makes no you mean 95%

What is fractional notation for 1?

The fractional notation for 1 is 1, or it could also be any whole number atop itself (i.e. 1/1, 2/2, 257/257, 716948355/716948355)... Did you mean 'What is fractional notation for 1%?'? That seems to make more sense to me: 1% (or one per hundred), is 1/100.

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There are no components to Nitrogen. For this reason your question makes no sense.

What does a non-real solution suggest when using the quadratic equation?

That really depends on the situation. Just as there are cases where fractional numbers make sense and others where they don't, and just as there are cases where negative numbers make sense and others where they dont, likewise, there are situations in which complex numbers (with an imaginary part) make sense, and others in which they don't. In many practical cases they don't make sense; in this case, the non-real solution is an indication that there is no practical solution. Example: Use the quadratic formula to determine at what time an object, thrown upwards, will reach a certain height. If you get a complex solution (the discriminant is negative), this means the object will NEVER reach the specified height; it will fall back down before it reaches the desired height. In this case, the variable "time" can only have real values - imaginary values don't make physical sense. However, please note that there are also situations in which complex numbers DO make sense.

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The best way to understand Fractional Reserve Banking is to read the following are most informative and will give you a realistic idea of where we are now and how this horendous situation has come about.

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Fractional Distillation from petroleum

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A power with a rational exponent m/n in lowest terms satisfies : whenever this makes sense.

Is 4500 in decimal form?

I suppose, in a technical sense. "Decimal form" is said by teachers and textbooks when speaking in contrast to "fractional form". 4500 is in either both forms or neither forms, but 'decimal form' isn't a real mathematical 'form' but a choice of expression. 4500.0 is decimal form. 4500/1 is fractional form. Decimals make percentages easier. Fractions make dividing easier.

To convert an nth-root notation to one that uses fractional exponents you change the index n to the exponent Enter your answer below?

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People commonly make many errors in reasoning. The most common error is common sense thinking. Many people will think too much about a situation instead of using the common sense to come to a solution.