A 3 dimensional triangle is called a pyramid, otherwise a 2D three sided polygon shape is exactly what you called it, a triangle.
an isosceles triangle has only 2 equal length sides and a scalene triangle has no equally lengthen sides. obviously they are in the shape of a triangle.
A bow-tie type connection of 2 triangles.
The next of an octahedron looks like a series of 8 triangles.
Make a triangle out of straws or something. See if you can push it sideways like a square. I you try to, you either bend it, break it or push the entire thing sideways... You can't bend it like a square. this is why triangles is the strongest shape. And also tall skyscrapers are made from triangles if looked from a birds eye-view... :D:D:D
Those would be SIMILAR triangles.
A pyramid shape looks lyke a pyramid
a Triforce looks like three triangles in a triangle shape.
One 50-gon and 50 triangles.
a square pyramid
like a shape like squares triangles that stuff if its a shape its probobly a geometric object
It looks like a pup tent.The two parallel ends of the shape are triangles and the faces that connect these are parallelograms, usually rectangles.
Squares and triangles are out of service.
all regular triangles has 60degreeson each angles.
They are Similar triangles if they have the same angles. it they are exactily the same they are Equaltrial.
the shape that can make two smaller triangles is parallelogram.
congruent triangles