If you were born in 1987, you would be 23 today.
If you were 23 you were born in 1987.
At the end of 2011, you would be 24.
People born in 1989 would be 24 in 2013. In 2014, they will be 25.
A person born in 1918 would in 2011 reach the age of 93.
If she is born in 1987, her age would be 25 this coming December. Making her 24 right about now.
she was born in 1987
She was born in 1987 her age is 24 as on 2012
If you were born in 1987, you would be 23 today.
Kelly Kelly was born on January 15, 1987.
He was born on September 22, 1987. That would make him currently 27 years of age (in late Aug. 2015).
As of October 2011, someone born in July 1987 would be 24 years old.
Maggie was created ('born' if you will) in 1987 so subtract whatever the current year is & that's her age.
born 4 th August , 1987.
You will turn 27 in 2014.
She's born April 24, 1987.
If you were 23 you were born in 1987.