72 = 72/1. You can multiply the numerator and denominator of this ratio by any non-zero number to get an equivalent ratio.
what is 27:72 as a ratio in simplest form
72 is 8/5 of 42, or 160% of 45
The equivalent ratio is: 22 to 6
Find an equivalent ratio to 32:24 such that tje first number in the ratio is 4
72% = 72/100 = 18/25
It is 72/64 = 1.125
what is 27:72 as a ratio in simplest form
72 is 8/5 of 42, or 160% of 45
1130/930 is an equivalent ratio.
912/1 is one equivalent ratio.
The equivalent ratio is: 22 to 6
The equivalent ratio is: 22 to 26
an equivalent ratio is a ratio that you can both divide the top/bottom number evenly.
72 to 100 or 36 to 50 or 18 to 25