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I think they are atoms and molecules

the forces of attraction say it

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Q: What are 2 factors about particles that enable them to form solutions?
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What factors about particles that enable them to form soloutions?

If the solute particles were polar and the solute particles were non-polar, then this wouldn't create a solution because they don't mix. Also temperature will affect it. For example rock salt in ice-cold water wouldn't make a solution because it would take the longest time to dissolve.

What are the factors that might cause magma to form a laccolith instead of a sill?

the chemical and physical particles

What is a well-blended mixture that appears to be a single substance?

There are two types of mixtures, solutions and suspensions. Solutions are where the elements combine to form a new substance. Suspensions are when small particles of one are suspended in the other. If there are no particles, it is probably a solution.

Describe the factors that might cause magma to form a laccolith instead of a sill?

Simple terms- Chemical and Physical particles

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How do you spell the possessive form of Solutions?

The possessive form of the plural noun solutions is solutions' (referring to more than one solution).Example: All of the solutions' colors changed when they were heated.

Is solutions a plural noun?

Yes, solutions is the plural form of solution.

2 processes involving solutions that form a mineral?

Two processes involving solutions that form a mineral:- precipitation- dissolution

What form of gas has particles that move freely?

Gas is the form, there is no form of gas, the particles in gas move freely, they actually vibrate.

The speed at which new particles form is called?

The speed of which new particles form is called the rate of reaction.

If two solutions are mixed together and they form layers they are said to?

These solutions are not miscible.