32, 2
16, 2 2
8, 2 2 2
4, 2 2 2 2
2,2 2 2 2 2
your primes for 64 are 2,2,2,2,2,2. 2x2x2x2x2x2=64 or 26 is 64.
20 as a product of primes = 2 * 2 * 5
2 x 2
2*2*2*2*5 = 80
2 x 3
You are a multiple of 60. You could be 60 (59 and 61 are primes) or 180 (179 and 181 are primes) or 240 (239 and 241 are primes) or 420 (419 and 421 are primes) or 600 (599 and 601 are primes) or 660 (659 and 661 are primes) ........and there are numerous others.
If the primes are of multiplicity 1, then the answer is 30030. Otherwise it is 64.
There are only 2 primes in 80: 2 and 5.
Yes, 29 and 31 are twin primes.Explanation:A pair of primes that differ by 2 are called twin primes.29 and 31 both are primes and their difference is 31-29 = 2. So, the given pair of primes is twin primes.
20 as a product of primes = 2 * 2 * 5
As the primes when subtracted leave a difference of 2,they are said to be twin primes.
The primes are: 2 2 2 2 5 and 5
Not true. 2 + 3 = 5, where all three are primes. One of the primes in the sum must be 2, otherwise both primes would be odd and their sum would be even (and >2) and therefore not prime. Such primes: p and p+2 [3 and 5 in the above example] are known as twin primes and there are infiitely many twin primes.
2 and 3 are the only consecutive primes.
twin primes are 2 prime numbers with a difference of 2 the prime numbers 5 and 3 are twin primes because 5 minus 3 equals 2 so 109 and 111 are not twin primes
(24) = 2 * (12) = 2 * (6) = 2 * 3(both primes, end)primes then : 2,2,2,3
The primes between 1 and 10 are:2, 3, 5, 7The primes between 1 and 10 are:2, 3, 5, 7The primes between 1 and 10 are:2, 3, 5, 7The primes between 1 and 10 are:2, 3, 5, 7