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A triangle that can be made in more than one way

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Q: What are Multiple triangles?
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Does a scalene triangle tile?

Yes all triangles tile because their angle sum, 180 degrees, is a multiple of 360 degrees.

Are some isosceles triangles equilateral triangles?

All isosceles triangles are not equilateral triangles

How do you solve aggie's puzzle on rune scape?

In order to complete the puzzle, you have to sweep four lines and end up with four triangles. If you do this correctly, you should end up with two triangles on top, and two at the bottom. There are multiple ways of solving it.

Some equilateral triangles are not isosceles?

All isosceles triangles are not equilateral triangles

How can you classify triangles by their angles?

Triangles may be right triangles equilateral triangles acute or obtuse triangles

What is triangle x 27?

27 triangles.27 triangles.27 triangles.27 triangles.

How many triangles are in a trapezoid?

A trapezoid can be divided into multiple triangles depending on how it is dissected. At minimum, a trapezoid will contain two triangles - the larger triangle formed by the longer base and the height of the trapezoid, and the smaller triangle formed by the shorter base and the height. However, additional triangles can be formed by drawing diagonals within the trapezoid, increasing the total number of triangles.

What is true about the area of similar triangles when the sides are increased by a factor of two?

When you multiple the area of the small triangle by four it equals the area of the large triangle.

Are all equilateral triangles acute triangles?

Yes all equilateral triangles are acute triangles, but not all acute triangle are equilateral triangles.

What traingle don't have a right angle?

Triangles without right angles are:- Scalene triangles Obtuse triangles Isosceles triangles Equilateral triangles

How many triangles are in 1 triangles?

there are 27 triangles in a triangle

Are Triangles equilateral triangles?

Triangles are equilateral triangles only when all of their 3 sides are equal in lengths.