Numbers the same distance from zero (linearly) have the same "absolute value" whether positive or negative.
For two numbers to be equidistant from zero, one must be the negative of the other. As one is the negative of the other, it is the additive inverse of that number. The sum of an number and its additive inverse is zero.
Opposite numbers.
If the distance is measured from a point other than the initial position of the object.
i think they are called negative numbers.
That is called Absolute Value
the number from zero (the distance) is called incounting numbers
Numbers the same distance from zero (linearly) have the same "absolute value" whether positive or negative.
For two numbers to be equidistant from zero, one must be the negative of the other. As one is the negative of the other, it is the additive inverse of that number. The sum of an number and its additive inverse is zero.
Opposite numbers.
additive inverses
A positive number and its opposite.For example:-5 0 +5Negative five and positive five are both an equal distance from zero on a number line.This holds true for any number, the negative and positive of any number are equal distances from zero.-1 and 1
yes too answer can equal zero. for example: 12m added to 24 equals zero.
Some might say they are opposites, or negatives. Another term is additive inverse.
Numbers that are greater than zero are positive numbers.
The distance from zero.