

Best Answer

1 x 16

2 x 8

4 x 4

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Q: What are all the possible ways that sixteen small squares can be arranged to form a rectangle?
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If a square box has sixteen squares inside how many squares are there?

17 squares. 1 of size 4x4, 4 of size 3x3, 9 of size 2x2, 16 of size 1x1 Total 30 but that depends on a particular interpretation of the question (16 squares arranged in a 4x4 group). If the 16 are arranged in a row, then they might be regarded as a rectangle and you only have 1 square (the box). If you define the box to be a real 3 dimensional box then the box itself has 6 or 5 squares depending on if it has a lid or not.

How many squares in a rectangle?

An infinite number of squares can be placed within a rectangle.

Is a retangle a square or is a square a rectangle?

A square is a rectangle, rectangles don't have to be squares but squares have to be rectangles.

What is the perimeter of a rectangle with two 5cm squares?

the perimeter of a rectangle with two 5cm squares will be 30cm

What shape can you create when you join two squares?


Are some squares not rectangles?

squares are a type of rectangle

Are all rectangle squares?

no, but all squares are rectangles

Can a squares be a rectangle?

No, but put 2 squares beside each other and get a rectangle! No, that's why they have different names.

What shape will the composition of two squares be?

A rectangle or, if the squares are allowed to overlap it is possible to have a 16-gon ("star" shaped), 14-gon, 9-gon, 8-gon.

What has four right angles?

A rectangle. A square is a form of rectangle. (All squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares.) ___________ |__________|

Rectangles and squares?

A square is a rectangle and a rectangle is a parallelogram and a parrallelogram.

What shape can you create when you join two squares and a rectangle?

a rectangle