1:2, 2:4, 4:8, 6:12 a equivalent ratios compares units that are the same.
No, they are not equivalent ratios. To make them equivalent, The second one should be 16 to 8.
first of all your question doesnt make sense at all!!! but ill tell you this, Equivalent Ratios are ratios whose fraction or ratio are equivalent. now go away kid
what are two equivlent ratios for 2:11
There are four equivalent ratios of the numbers 8 to 32. The four equivalent ratios are 4/16, 8/12, 7/1 and 3/5.
4 ratios equivalent to 75% are....3/4, .75, 3/40, AND 7.5
equivalent ratios are different ratios that name the same comparison
Equivalent ratios.
They are called equivalent ratios.
Two ratios are the equivalent when their simplified forms are identical.
Two ratios that are equivalent are said to be in proportion
when a number of ratios give the same answer after solving the ratios the ratios are said to be equivalent ratios
Equivalent ratios are ratios that represent different numbers but the relationship between the numbers is same.
30 : 40 and 33 : 44 are two possible equivalent ratios.
Equivalent Ratios
i dont know
When they are equivalent ratios.
They are equivalent ratios