A foot is a unit of distance about the length from your wrist to your elbow. Anything you can measure can be expressed in feet. If it is smaller than your arm or longer than a portion of a mile then I would probably choose a different measurement.
A giant squid is 50 feet long with the tentacles
The mass of insects, paper clips.
rope, chain, ect
No such conversion is possible. Feet are a measure of distance or linear displacement whereas a radian is a measure of angular displacement. The two measure different things and it is not possible to convert form one to the other.
Soft drinks, alcohol, capacity of engine cylinders
A giant squid is 50 feet long with the tentacles
Football fields
Because most people had feet and forearms, that they could measure things with.
You can measure anything in degrees Celsius that you can in Fahrenheit.
your toes your hair and your dignity
your toes your hair and your dignity
You cannot. Linear feet are a measure of distance, square feet are a measure of area. The two measure different things and it makes no sense to try to convert from one to the other.
You cannot convert feet, which is a measure of distance into square feet, which is a measure of area. The two measure different things and it makes no sense to try to convert from one to the other.
You can't, they measure different things.
The mass of insects, paper clips.
The volume of just about anything.