

What are generalizations in math?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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a generalization is a sentence or statement that generalizes a graph and other such: EX. as this goes up this goes down

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Q: What are generalizations in math?
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No, all generalizations are not false. There is no paradox unless you state that they are all false, in which case you would be making a generalization about generalizations.

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Actually, there are nine clue words to generalizations! There are all, most, many, some, sometimes, usually, seldom, few, and generally. Those are all clue words for generalizations.

What are Clue words for generalizations?

Actually, there are nine clue words to generalizations! There are all, most, many, some, sometimes, usually, seldom, few, and generally. Those are all clue words for generalizations.

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What is gross generalizations?

A hasty judgment.

What are some examples of generalizations?

Generalizations are like stereo typing something. Classic example - 'dumb blonde' (although known to be false)

Which sentence best explains how hasty generalizations contribute to bias?

Answer this question… Hasty generalizations give an impression of something that isn't grounded in fact.

Why should generalizations be qualified using words and phrases like most or and in most cases?

By definition, generalizations are true for most, but not all, cases

What are some generalizations?

same brids can swim

A statement which is too general is one which?

Generalizations are statements that are too general. Generalizations tend to be wrong because they assume too much about a group of people.