

What are non convex polygons?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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A non-convex polygon is any polygon with at least one interior angle measuring at least 180 degrees. . A polygon is defined as an area enclosed by 3 or more line segments connected at their endpoints. Basically, the figure needs to be completely closed in, have no extra lines or part of lines coming out of it, and no curves. For a polygon to be convex all of its interior angles need to measure less than 180 degrees.


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Convex polygons with congruent sides and congruent angles are called regular polygons.

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In a non-convex (or concave) polygon, at least one interior angle is a reflex angle. An alternative definition is that if you take any two points inside a conves polygon, the line joining them is wholly inside the polygon.

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These terms describe polygons. To identify a polygon as convex, we draw a segment from any vertex to any other vertex. This segment cannot go outside of the polygon. Non-convex is concave. If we draw a segment from a vertex to any other vertex, at least one of the segments will go outside of the polygon.

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g y h

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They are both convex polygons.

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A concave polygon has at least one interior angle greater than 180 degrees. A convex polygon has none of those.

How many shapes are there?

6,776 growing, including convex and concave polygons, constructible polygons, cyclic polygons, and so much more

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Pick's theorem can't use for non-convex polygons. It needs at least 3 terms to define an area of a polygon.

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There is no simple way.All triangles will tessellate. All quadrilaterals will tessellate There are 15 classes of convex pentagons (the latest discovered in 2015) which will tessellate. Regular hexagons will tessellate. In addition, there are 3 classes of irregular convex hexagons which will tessellate. No convex polygon with 7 or more sides will tessellate.In addition, there are concave polygons, and non-polygons which will tessellate.